Monday, March 17, 2008

My "other" life

So, I'm a teacher. Big suprise there. My mom's a teacher, two of my grandpas were teachers/principal/president of a college, and many of my extended family members are teachers. I always knew I would be a teacher. Not for lack of creativity, mind you. Just destiny, I guess.

I'm happy being a teacher. I love working with kids and people. I couldn't be sitting behind a desk all day, or stuck in an office. That's just not me. Please keep in mind that I do like being a teacher as you read on...

In my "other" life, I am a high-powered business woman. No, maybe not business, but I work in an office in Chicago, and I wear business-woman clothes. I have deadlines and pressure, people who work under me, and business lunches with important clients. I think I'm the editor of a major magizine, actually. Maybe a magazine for women. But, I walk down the streets of Chicago with my important things to do and people to call, and then I leave it all at work and have a fabulous night life/home life as well. I live in an upscale apartment/condo in the nice part of Chicago (wherever that is) and take full advantage of the lake and the shopping and the cabs. Doesn't that sound divine?!

Who are you in your "other" life??


ajs {of MN} said...

now THAT would be something to think about, I'll have to get back to you on that one!

stephie said...

a ballet dancer... it must be because i have a natural born gracefulness and coordination.


Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills