Friday, March 7, 2008

Here comes the rest of our lives

At 25, I have never felt so different from my peers in all my life. Sure, we grew up together, or went to college together, or worked together. Some I have known all my life, and some I've only just met. But, we've gone from knowing everything about each other, to being almost unable to relate. I know this sounds slightly depressing, and don't get me wrong...I love my friends and the choices I've made in my life. But consider this: 3 years ago, the biggest differences in our lives were which professors we had and where we spent our Friday nights. Now, some of us are married, some have children, some are getting married, some live across the globe, some are in careers, some are in grad school, and most of us are wondering, How did we get so different?

I am currently more "in-between" than most people my age. I graduated college, taught for a year and a half, went back to grad school, and am now finishing my degree by student teacing.....again. I am not reaping the benefits of a "college kid" anymore, with the friends down the hall or the insurance paid for by parents. But, I'm not reaping the benefits of an "adult" either, (like, getting paid!). I'm stuck in between worlds, taking classes and teaching; working and not getting paid; living on my own and being dependent on loan money to keep living. If this does not create confusion, I don't know what does.

This confusing situation does make for interesting conversation, though. You never know when you'll hear about a mishap with a florist, a bad day with the students, or a baby who won't drink from a bottle.

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Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills