Monday, March 31, 2008

My "official" spring break!

I'm off to Phoenix today for my official spring break! I'm going to be lounging by the pool, touring the city, possibly heading to Sedona for a day, or maybe LA, go flying with Dustin, and I'm sure lots of other things. And what do you know -- it's snowing!! It's been snowing ALL DAY, and we're expected to get lots more! Bye bye snow....hello 80s! I just hope my flight isn't delayed.

I'll let you know how it goes when I get back!

Bon Voyage!

Monday, March 17, 2008

My "other" life

So, I'm a teacher. Big suprise there. My mom's a teacher, two of my grandpas were teachers/principal/president of a college, and many of my extended family members are teachers. I always knew I would be a teacher. Not for lack of creativity, mind you. Just destiny, I guess.

I'm happy being a teacher. I love working with kids and people. I couldn't be sitting behind a desk all day, or stuck in an office. That's just not me. Please keep in mind that I do like being a teacher as you read on...

In my "other" life, I am a high-powered business woman. No, maybe not business, but I work in an office in Chicago, and I wear business-woman clothes. I have deadlines and pressure, people who work under me, and business lunches with important clients. I think I'm the editor of a major magizine, actually. Maybe a magazine for women. But, I walk down the streets of Chicago with my important things to do and people to call, and then I leave it all at work and have a fabulous night life/home life as well. I live in an upscale apartment/condo in the nice part of Chicago (wherever that is) and take full advantage of the lake and the shopping and the cabs. Doesn't that sound divine?!

Who are you in your "other" life??

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

outta here!!

I'm off to Phoenix to hang out with Dustin for a week!!! Just made the decision today, and booked the flight! It's not for a couple weeks yet, but I can't WAIT to get outta here and see some SUN and explore Arizona, and FLY with my friend who's a PILOT!

I're jealous. :) You can come too!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Know Thyself

Now that I'm 25, I'm getting much better at knowing my limits and listening to the inner workings of me. And here's proof....

So, I know that everybody is busy. We have a tendency to bite off way more than we can chew in this life because we genuinely want to do all those things we commit to. I know people have deadlines, and papers, and observations, and kids!, and are doing a million things.....but, let me just say, this is THE single busiest semester I have ever had so far.
*I'm student teaching. (40-50 hours of unpaid work with students with hearing loss.)
*I'm taking a grad class. (EPSY 5649. THE motherload of all classes in our program.)
*I'm taking the PRAXIS test. (to test my knowledge in ALL aspects of special education.)
*I'm creating and presenting a portfolio. (to demonstrate my ability to do this job.)
*I'm getting tutored in ASL. (to buff up on my skills.)
*I'm taking the SCPI test. (all in ASL. Hence the tutoring.)
*I'm working at the bar. (Fri. nights, and 10 hours on Saturdays.)
*I was going to Vision Therapy every Tues. but postponed that. (Something had to give!)

SO -- I've been doing all these things and balancing pretty well for the past 9 weeks. Last weekend I wrote a 22 page paper for my class that nearly killed me, and then got sick on Tuesday. I went home early from school Tuesday, and have been fighting this cold ever since. I am feeling much better, but am still wiped out. Yesterday was my day to do homework, but instead, I worked on laundry, fixing my computer, hanging shelves in my room, and cleaning.

I have 2 papers due tonight in class, and a third due for student teaching. I got home from dinner last night at 8:00 and realized there was no way I was going to get those 3 things done, plus study for my midterm, plus be useful at all this week for the kids. So, I knew I was at my breaking point, listened to myself, and made an executive decision to NOT go to school today. Instead, I'm at home working on these things and getting ready for class tonight, and the week ahead.

I realize this might seem like a "cop out" to some of you who are superstars or who sacrifice sleep or other things to make it happen. But, this is actually a major triumph for me. I am starting to put myself first in my life, (what a novel idea!) and I feel much more balanced and able to attend to what is at hand.

It's all about knowing your limits.

I could have pushed through, stayed up till past midnight to get the papers done, slept for a couple hours, and then gone to school this morning. However, then I would have done a half-ass job on the papers, and have been exhausted all week, and in turn, not done a good job with any of the kids. Instead, I recognized my limit, and made a decision to balance myself and my priorities. In the end, I think I will have a much better week, and so will the kids.

What have you done for yourself this week?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Here comes the rest of our lives

At 25, I have never felt so different from my peers in all my life. Sure, we grew up together, or went to college together, or worked together. Some I have known all my life, and some I've only just met. But, we've gone from knowing everything about each other, to being almost unable to relate. I know this sounds slightly depressing, and don't get me wrong...I love my friends and the choices I've made in my life. But consider this: 3 years ago, the biggest differences in our lives were which professors we had and where we spent our Friday nights. Now, some of us are married, some have children, some are getting married, some live across the globe, some are in careers, some are in grad school, and most of us are wondering, How did we get so different?

I am currently more "in-between" than most people my age. I graduated college, taught for a year and a half, went back to grad school, and am now finishing my degree by student teacing.....again. I am not reaping the benefits of a "college kid" anymore, with the friends down the hall or the insurance paid for by parents. But, I'm not reaping the benefits of an "adult" either, (like, getting paid!). I'm stuck in between worlds, taking classes and teaching; working and not getting paid; living on my own and being dependent on loan money to keep living. If this does not create confusion, I don't know what does.

This confusing situation does make for interesting conversation, though. You never know when you'll hear about a mishap with a florist, a bad day with the students, or a baby who won't drink from a bottle.
Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills