Saturday, September 20, 2008

september cold

Now that I'm back into the swing of things with school, kids, lessons, parents, and teachers....what better way to say, "Hey! I'm so glad I'm working again!" than with the worst cold of my life.


Wednesday morning:
-woke up with a horrendous sore throat. Tough it out, Maren. Go to work.
-had to leave an afternoon meeting early because I was getting too sick.

Wednesday night:
-let's take some NyQuil! That shit always does the job.
-NOPE..... I was awake more than I was asleep. thaaanks, nyquil.

Thursday morning:
-dead to the world. missed my alarm. woken up by my roommate. for SURE not going to school.

Thursday day:
-sore throat
-achey body
-major congestion
-ears ringing
-so dizzy i could hardly stand
-fever of 100 degrees or more for at least 8 hours
-shooting pains in my head every few minutes
-a cough

Thursday night:
-decided NOT to go to work again tomorrow. best decision ever.
-NYQUIL PULLS THROUGH!!! slept for 10 hours. brilliant.

Friday morning:
-head pain gone
-dizziness gone
-the feeling of death has morphed into just the worst cold of my life. thank god!

Friday night:
-another dose of NyQuil and another 10 solid hours of sleep.

Saturday morning:
-still the 2nd worse cold ever, but 300% better than Thursday! I'll take it!!!

***my hope for you is that you: drink lots of oj, wash you hands a trillion times, sleep more than you need to, and DON'T get this damn death cold! :)

love ya!

Monday, June 30, 2008

June at a glance

I can see I have some work to do to get back on track with blogging! It's the last day of June, and I promised this wouldn't happen again another month.....

But, with family, friends, birthdays, work, and a vacation, I guess I was actually busy!

So, here it is -- my June at a glance:
June 1 - Grand Old Days in St. Paul!! We hung out with friends at Maura's apt. on Grand and watched the Twins win!
June 2-5 - Deadwood, South Dakota. My sister and I drove 10 hours (each way) to visit her best friend from college, Molly. We got to see Mount Rushmore, Deadwood, casinos, Kevin Costner's resturaunt, and more!
June 5-9 - Work at the bar.
June 12-16 - Work at the bar.
June 13 - Turned in my application for my teaching license!! (finally!)
June 17-18 - Helped my mom clean the entire house to get ready for out of town family. We even had to take down Christmas (which was still in full swing) in the basement.
June 18-19 - Hang out with aunts and cousins from Washington, California, Florida, and Minnesota.
June 20 - RELAY FOR LIFE in Anoka!!! My dad gave a speech at the opening ceremony; Sarah sang the National Anthem; I saw my aunt and cousin from CT, and Nick's band played at night.
June 22 - Sarah's SUPRISE Birthday Party!! Held at my parents' pool. SO much fun with friends from high school, college, and teaching there!
June 23 - Show Nora, Paul, and Peter around Uptown and hunt for apartments for them. Work at the bar.
June 25 - Sarah's GOLDEN Birthday!! We went to the pool, hung out with Nora, ate dinner at Benihana, and drank our way through Uptown. (Pictures on facebook).
June 26 - Nora and Paul decide to move in to our building!!!!! They fill out the application and we tour the apartment.
June 26-30 - Work at the bar.

So, tomorrow's July, and this time I am SURE I will keep you updated on a more regular basis!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

ode to May

Huh... so I guess it's been a while since I "blogged". I love those words that can be a noun OR a verb: blog/blogged; swim/swim; f*ck/f*ck; you get the idea.

Anyway -- this month has been two extremes at the same time: crazy and lazy. Here's a recap of what's been going on.....

May 2 -- Close the bar on a Friday night as a practice for days to come.
May 5 -- Last day of class in grad school. Also -- practice closing shift #2.
May 7 -- First close by myself. Note: I was only there an hour and fifteen after we closed.
May 8 -- Second close by myself. Note: I shaved 30 minutes off my previous time, and was there only 45 minutes after close!
May 12 -- Stephy's birthday!! First job interview: D/HH in St. Paul. Last FINAL of grad school ever!! (on which, I got an A). Close at the bar.
May 14 -- GRADUATION DAY!! At Northrup Auditorium, with family. Also, a quaint reception from the professors in our program.
May 15 -- Close at the bar.
May 19 -- Close at the bar.
May 21 -- Move Megan out of St. Olaf. And rediscover my biceps.
May 22 -- JOB OFFER from St. Paul....yessss! :) I'll be teaching 4th and 5th grade students reading/writing/math in the morning, and then taking them in to a general ed. classroom in the afternoon for science/social studies/etc. Close at the bar.
May 24 -- ACTUALLY get to hang out with my friends! BBQ and near deck fire at Mel and Bob's.
May 26 -- Movie with Sarah and Mel. Close at the bar.
May 28 -- First date with new boy. It goes well, but there are no fireworks. Enough said.

And now, here I am at the end of May, closing tonight, and working tomorrow and Saturday.... leading up to our ONE YEAR anniversary in this building and in this city. It's been a wild, successful, fun, challenging, heartbreaking, mess of a year. I can only hope that this next year is as memorable.

See you in June! :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

thursday's theme? therapy!

I know what you're thinking.....

what? therapy? I probably shouldn't be reading's about therapy.

But don't worry -- therapy is the new massage. And who doesn't love a good massage??

I have seen several different counselors in my lifetime. One in my freshmen year of high school. One at Luther. One when I left Luther. A few in between....and now I've been seeing Barb since January of '07.

There's such a stigma that goes with counseling: you're not strong enough to deal with your own problems; no one else needs therapy, why do you?; some people's lives are way worse than yours -- why do you need counseling?

And, I've believed all those things and been embarrassed each time I've started therapy. Until now. Now I believe therapy is the most beneficial thing anyone can do for themselves -- and I truly believe each and every one of us would benefit from talking to someone a couple times a month.

My latest session with Barb proved to be truly exhausting. I've been seeing her for over a year, and have managed to talk about everything from family to work to school to friends. I've spent over a year talking about all those things and trying so desperately to not talk about dating and relationships and how I actually feel about myself. And, yesterday, I finally ran out of "other stuff" to talk about, and so I began a whole new chapter in therapy -- dating and relationships.

It was really interesting to begin to talk about....because I realized I have had such a wall up about the issue that even my counselor hasn't dared to touch the subject for over a year. Wow! What an eye-opener. I am so happy and excited to finally be thinking about and working through whatever issues these are to get them over and done with! I'll keep you posted on what happens.

So, as I stand here on my soap box, preaching about the wonders of counseling, I'm hoping you're still reading and that you feel a little more comfortable mentioning or even talking about therapy. I have been told (by people in their mid-late 30s and even 40s) that they are so proud of me and a little jealous that I'm working on myself and personal issues at such a young age. They wish they would have felt ok enough with themselves and (god-forbid) therapy to start at an earlier age.

So, this is my little attempt to break down the social stigmas of therapy. And what was on Grey's last night?!? Meredith in therapy!! One day we will all feel comfortable enough to talk about this issue. For me it starts today. I hope it does for you too. Be proud of yourself -- by taking charge of your life and owning your emotions, you are on your way to being the best you you can be!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

somebody please explain it to me

For those of you who have heard.....skip on down.

For those of you who haven' goes:

My ever-inspiring roommate comes forth with one good idea after the other. Her most recent stroke of genius is that she's going to start dating again. I love this about her because she presents it as her choice. Like she's chosen to not date, and now, she will begin again. To someone whom dating has always been a mystery (except for that one long drawn-out relationship that ended poorly), I was truly moved by this thought.

So, I said to myself...If she's going to start dating again, I will too!

Like any out-of-practice mid-twenties girl who doesn't want to pick up some half-wasted loser from a bar who's just looking for a one-night stand, I create (or rather, update) my profile on an infamous online dating site. This was last Sunday. But I said to myself, I'm not going to pay the money to actually send emails, etc. unless I receive one first. (No, it's not cheap, it's just planning for my financial future!). Within 24 hours I have an email waiting in my dating "inbox". Great. Now I have to actually subscribe to see who's emailed me.

I read the email, and with the newness of this experience still hanging in the air, somehow find the courage to email the guy back. He seems nice enough....not exactly my first pick for a first date back in the game, but not my last pick either. We email for a couple days (the operative word being "couple" = 2) and what do you know -- I have a date the following day - Wednesday.

I meet Mr. New at a local resturaunt for dinner. Conversation is going well. I am a little rusty, but it doesn't take much to remember how to talk to strangers. I'm very confident, pleasant, and interested in what he's saying. During dinner there's a live band, and all is still well. We're out for about an hour and a half, when we both decide it's time to go. He pays the bill (I offer to tip, but am not allowed) and offers to walk me to my car. He says, "I'm so glad we did this. It was really great meeting you. If you'd like, I would love to take you out again. Here -- let's exchange numbers and I'll call you." We exchange numbers, he gives me a hug. As he's leaving, I say, "Thank you so much, I had a great time!" He says, "Oh my gosh. It was my pleasure." The date ends. I feel great.

It is important to note that I was not super into Mr. New, but I did have a nice time with him.

So, Thursday and Friday pass without contact. Normal.
By Saturday night I still haven't heard from Mr. New, so I think to myself, I am going to text him to say thanks again for dinner and see what he's up to.........................................

Now it's THIS Wednesday, still no word, and I'm completely mystified. What went wrong? Did I do something? Was I not funny enough? Not cute enough? Did I break some ultra-secret dating rule I was unaware of?

Please believe me when I say, I would have been absolutely FINE if he would have said at the end of the night, "Hey, thanks. It was really nice meeting you. Have a great night." It even would have been fine if he'd said, "You know, I had fun getting to know you but I just don't think it's going to work out."

At least then I WOULD KNOW!!!

But don't tell me you had so much fun and you're going to take me out again and let's exchange numbers and give me a hug when all you want to say is "Sorry, I'm just not that in to you."!!!!!!!!!!

Ideas? Suggestions? Insights? This is an open forum - words of wisdom from girls AND guys are welcome.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

the next big thing

My dear friend Nicholas Olof Jacobson-Larson, at the ripe young age of 21, composed his first full length musical. He has written music for numerous new plays in the Minneapolis area. He frequents the stage as an actor, musician, technician, and musical director. Check out what he's been up to this year at Berklee School of Music in Boston, MA at You can listen to some of his music, watch videos, read his bio, and check out pictures of what he has done over the years.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Nick.


I had a FANTASTIC time in Phoenix last week!!! Dustin and I sat by the pool, watched some Ellen, ate really good food, went to Sedona, and FLEW IN A TINY PLANE!! It's so fun to get out of your typical routine and just get a new perspective. It clears the cobwebs, heightens the senses, and rejuvinates the soul. Here are the highlights:

The view from the top of South Mountain in Phoenix, AZ. This is looking through a window in a stone building at the top of the mountail. Don't worry -- we drove up it!!!

This is just outside Sedona, AZ. The landscape was absolutely breathtaking!!!

Dustin and I FLYING!! In this picture, he's in control of the plane, the air space, AND the camera. NO PRESSURE!! I think it turned out really well, all things considering!

Monday, March 31, 2008

My "official" spring break!

I'm off to Phoenix today for my official spring break! I'm going to be lounging by the pool, touring the city, possibly heading to Sedona for a day, or maybe LA, go flying with Dustin, and I'm sure lots of other things. And what do you know -- it's snowing!! It's been snowing ALL DAY, and we're expected to get lots more! Bye bye snow....hello 80s! I just hope my flight isn't delayed.

I'll let you know how it goes when I get back!

Bon Voyage!

Monday, March 17, 2008

My "other" life

So, I'm a teacher. Big suprise there. My mom's a teacher, two of my grandpas were teachers/principal/president of a college, and many of my extended family members are teachers. I always knew I would be a teacher. Not for lack of creativity, mind you. Just destiny, I guess.

I'm happy being a teacher. I love working with kids and people. I couldn't be sitting behind a desk all day, or stuck in an office. That's just not me. Please keep in mind that I do like being a teacher as you read on...

In my "other" life, I am a high-powered business woman. No, maybe not business, but I work in an office in Chicago, and I wear business-woman clothes. I have deadlines and pressure, people who work under me, and business lunches with important clients. I think I'm the editor of a major magizine, actually. Maybe a magazine for women. But, I walk down the streets of Chicago with my important things to do and people to call, and then I leave it all at work and have a fabulous night life/home life as well. I live in an upscale apartment/condo in the nice part of Chicago (wherever that is) and take full advantage of the lake and the shopping and the cabs. Doesn't that sound divine?!

Who are you in your "other" life??

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

outta here!!

I'm off to Phoenix to hang out with Dustin for a week!!! Just made the decision today, and booked the flight! It's not for a couple weeks yet, but I can't WAIT to get outta here and see some SUN and explore Arizona, and FLY with my friend who's a PILOT!

I're jealous. :) You can come too!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Know Thyself

Now that I'm 25, I'm getting much better at knowing my limits and listening to the inner workings of me. And here's proof....

So, I know that everybody is busy. We have a tendency to bite off way more than we can chew in this life because we genuinely want to do all those things we commit to. I know people have deadlines, and papers, and observations, and kids!, and are doing a million things.....but, let me just say, this is THE single busiest semester I have ever had so far.
*I'm student teaching. (40-50 hours of unpaid work with students with hearing loss.)
*I'm taking a grad class. (EPSY 5649. THE motherload of all classes in our program.)
*I'm taking the PRAXIS test. (to test my knowledge in ALL aspects of special education.)
*I'm creating and presenting a portfolio. (to demonstrate my ability to do this job.)
*I'm getting tutored in ASL. (to buff up on my skills.)
*I'm taking the SCPI test. (all in ASL. Hence the tutoring.)
*I'm working at the bar. (Fri. nights, and 10 hours on Saturdays.)
*I was going to Vision Therapy every Tues. but postponed that. (Something had to give!)

SO -- I've been doing all these things and balancing pretty well for the past 9 weeks. Last weekend I wrote a 22 page paper for my class that nearly killed me, and then got sick on Tuesday. I went home early from school Tuesday, and have been fighting this cold ever since. I am feeling much better, but am still wiped out. Yesterday was my day to do homework, but instead, I worked on laundry, fixing my computer, hanging shelves in my room, and cleaning.

I have 2 papers due tonight in class, and a third due for student teaching. I got home from dinner last night at 8:00 and realized there was no way I was going to get those 3 things done, plus study for my midterm, plus be useful at all this week for the kids. So, I knew I was at my breaking point, listened to myself, and made an executive decision to NOT go to school today. Instead, I'm at home working on these things and getting ready for class tonight, and the week ahead.

I realize this might seem like a "cop out" to some of you who are superstars or who sacrifice sleep or other things to make it happen. But, this is actually a major triumph for me. I am starting to put myself first in my life, (what a novel idea!) and I feel much more balanced and able to attend to what is at hand.

It's all about knowing your limits.

I could have pushed through, stayed up till past midnight to get the papers done, slept for a couple hours, and then gone to school this morning. However, then I would have done a half-ass job on the papers, and have been exhausted all week, and in turn, not done a good job with any of the kids. Instead, I recognized my limit, and made a decision to balance myself and my priorities. In the end, I think I will have a much better week, and so will the kids.

What have you done for yourself this week?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Here comes the rest of our lives

At 25, I have never felt so different from my peers in all my life. Sure, we grew up together, or went to college together, or worked together. Some I have known all my life, and some I've only just met. But, we've gone from knowing everything about each other, to being almost unable to relate. I know this sounds slightly depressing, and don't get me wrong...I love my friends and the choices I've made in my life. But consider this: 3 years ago, the biggest differences in our lives were which professors we had and where we spent our Friday nights. Now, some of us are married, some have children, some are getting married, some live across the globe, some are in careers, some are in grad school, and most of us are wondering, How did we get so different?

I am currently more "in-between" than most people my age. I graduated college, taught for a year and a half, went back to grad school, and am now finishing my degree by student teacing.....again. I am not reaping the benefits of a "college kid" anymore, with the friends down the hall or the insurance paid for by parents. But, I'm not reaping the benefits of an "adult" either, (like, getting paid!). I'm stuck in between worlds, taking classes and teaching; working and not getting paid; living on my own and being dependent on loan money to keep living. If this does not create confusion, I don't know what does.

This confusing situation does make for interesting conversation, though. You never know when you'll hear about a mishap with a florist, a bad day with the students, or a baby who won't drink from a bottle.
Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills