Tuesday, February 17, 2009

this summer

So, I've been thinking I need to get the heck outta here this summer -- for the past couple weeks. I mean, I love Minnesota! Don't get me wrong. It's just -- huhhhmmm.....

I'm 26.
I'm single.
I've been in the same apt for 2 years.
I've NEVER gone to a new place by myself to live, (or even go to college, for that matter).
I'm sick of having my life just "happen" to me. I'm ready to actually start making decisions that will impact my quality of life.

So, here are some options I (and others) have come up with:

-Have an aunt who has a H U G E house in California. Could ask to stay with her for the summer and get a job.
-Know of a professor of Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing in California. Could email her and ask if she has anything open for the summer, (office assistant; TA; research lab rat; etc.)
-Have a friend who has a friend with a job in Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Education in Hawaii. Could ask if there's any opportunities there.
-Have a former professor who spends 5-6 weeks in Slovakia (sp?) teaching English to kids there. Could see if she would take me along.
-Friends in many other places, (Boston, LA, Phoenix, Virginia, North Carolina) who would love to have me near by, working at a low-paying job, living on my own.
-Could just stay here and teach summer school, (or not), and work at the bar


What do you think?

What should I do?

Monday, February 16, 2009

initial eval

So, here I am -- Monday at 10:55 am. No school today, thank you dead presidents.

I'm on the brink of finishing my first initial evaluation report of my career, (which is just part of the job -- but it's a HUGE part....), and realizing I am one of the worst kind of perfectionists ever.

I'm the procrastinator-perfectionist. absolute worst kind......

I want the work I do to be perfect. I'm actually quite fearful every time I have a bit of work to do, because I know it will not be perfect, (how could anything be perfect?). So -- for me -- it's easier to not start something, than to start it and have it not be perfect right from the get-go. It's just downhill as far as output, expectations, and motivation once you start and know it will never be perfect.

See what I mean? The worst kind....

Today I need to finish writing this initial evaluation on a student I spent hours upon hours testing. I have all the data. I have all the tests. I've started the eval. Now, all I need to do is finish it -- but I've saved the toughest parts for last, of course. And I find myself at this most familiar juncture: do I start early, (like now-ish) and get it done with, or do I agonize over it and put it off till after dinner tonight, and then have to stay up waaay to late finishing.

It seems obvious, doesn't it?

I wish the perfectionist-procrastinator in me would see the obvious answer as well.

slay the beast....

start now....
Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills