Friday, April 25, 2008

thursday's theme? therapy!

I know what you're thinking.....

what? therapy? I probably shouldn't be reading's about therapy.

But don't worry -- therapy is the new massage. And who doesn't love a good massage??

I have seen several different counselors in my lifetime. One in my freshmen year of high school. One at Luther. One when I left Luther. A few in between....and now I've been seeing Barb since January of '07.

There's such a stigma that goes with counseling: you're not strong enough to deal with your own problems; no one else needs therapy, why do you?; some people's lives are way worse than yours -- why do you need counseling?

And, I've believed all those things and been embarrassed each time I've started therapy. Until now. Now I believe therapy is the most beneficial thing anyone can do for themselves -- and I truly believe each and every one of us would benefit from talking to someone a couple times a month.

My latest session with Barb proved to be truly exhausting. I've been seeing her for over a year, and have managed to talk about everything from family to work to school to friends. I've spent over a year talking about all those things and trying so desperately to not talk about dating and relationships and how I actually feel about myself. And, yesterday, I finally ran out of "other stuff" to talk about, and so I began a whole new chapter in therapy -- dating and relationships.

It was really interesting to begin to talk about....because I realized I have had such a wall up about the issue that even my counselor hasn't dared to touch the subject for over a year. Wow! What an eye-opener. I am so happy and excited to finally be thinking about and working through whatever issues these are to get them over and done with! I'll keep you posted on what happens.

So, as I stand here on my soap box, preaching about the wonders of counseling, I'm hoping you're still reading and that you feel a little more comfortable mentioning or even talking about therapy. I have been told (by people in their mid-late 30s and even 40s) that they are so proud of me and a little jealous that I'm working on myself and personal issues at such a young age. They wish they would have felt ok enough with themselves and (god-forbid) therapy to start at an earlier age.

So, this is my little attempt to break down the social stigmas of therapy. And what was on Grey's last night?!? Meredith in therapy!! One day we will all feel comfortable enough to talk about this issue. For me it starts today. I hope it does for you too. Be proud of yourself -- by taking charge of your life and owning your emotions, you are on your way to being the best you you can be!


Unknown said...

M to the H... think about what I am going to school for... what I will be "able" to do after I am done.
I feel that I am a great listener and was meant to listen to people knowing that that helps and works wonders for ALL!
I also have come to find that I TOO need someone that will listen to me...
BUT you are SO right in stating the fact about the whole thing around the stigma of it all...
"why would I need to see someone when I will someday be helping others in that SAME field??
It's all about self care, and needing to be right for yourself before being there for others.
So many of us do it all wrong.

BUT It is something that I need really look into... we all need to take care of ourselves FIRST!

So pround of you for blogging this share.

ajs {of MN} said...

p.s. not sure whay that says my name is LARRY! hahahahhaha

brooke said...

oooh, maren, what an inspiring post! i've been in and out of therapy for years, and i feel it's such a good thing to do for yourself. (i'm actually right now trying to convince a friend of the wonders therapy can work, crazy you posted this!) i know that my mom gets uncomfortable whenever i talk about things like this, and i think it's unfortunate.... so happy you've shared your experience and hopefully started opening minds....

Meg Hadley said...

woot barb!
i need to call her...


awesome post, mar :)


Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills