Monday, June 30, 2008

June at a glance

I can see I have some work to do to get back on track with blogging! It's the last day of June, and I promised this wouldn't happen again another month.....

But, with family, friends, birthdays, work, and a vacation, I guess I was actually busy!

So, here it is -- my June at a glance:
June 1 - Grand Old Days in St. Paul!! We hung out with friends at Maura's apt. on Grand and watched the Twins win!
June 2-5 - Deadwood, South Dakota. My sister and I drove 10 hours (each way) to visit her best friend from college, Molly. We got to see Mount Rushmore, Deadwood, casinos, Kevin Costner's resturaunt, and more!
June 5-9 - Work at the bar.
June 12-16 - Work at the bar.
June 13 - Turned in my application for my teaching license!! (finally!)
June 17-18 - Helped my mom clean the entire house to get ready for out of town family. We even had to take down Christmas (which was still in full swing) in the basement.
June 18-19 - Hang out with aunts and cousins from Washington, California, Florida, and Minnesota.
June 20 - RELAY FOR LIFE in Anoka!!! My dad gave a speech at the opening ceremony; Sarah sang the National Anthem; I saw my aunt and cousin from CT, and Nick's band played at night.
June 22 - Sarah's SUPRISE Birthday Party!! Held at my parents' pool. SO much fun with friends from high school, college, and teaching there!
June 23 - Show Nora, Paul, and Peter around Uptown and hunt for apartments for them. Work at the bar.
June 25 - Sarah's GOLDEN Birthday!! We went to the pool, hung out with Nora, ate dinner at Benihana, and drank our way through Uptown. (Pictures on facebook).
June 26 - Nora and Paul decide to move in to our building!!!!! They fill out the application and we tour the apartment.
June 26-30 - Work at the bar.

So, tomorrow's July, and this time I am SURE I will keep you updated on a more regular basis!
Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills