Thursday, May 29, 2008

ode to May

Huh... so I guess it's been a while since I "blogged". I love those words that can be a noun OR a verb: blog/blogged; swim/swim; f*ck/f*ck; you get the idea.

Anyway -- this month has been two extremes at the same time: crazy and lazy. Here's a recap of what's been going on.....

May 2 -- Close the bar on a Friday night as a practice for days to come.
May 5 -- Last day of class in grad school. Also -- practice closing shift #2.
May 7 -- First close by myself. Note: I was only there an hour and fifteen after we closed.
May 8 -- Second close by myself. Note: I shaved 30 minutes off my previous time, and was there only 45 minutes after close!
May 12 -- Stephy's birthday!! First job interview: D/HH in St. Paul. Last FINAL of grad school ever!! (on which, I got an A). Close at the bar.
May 14 -- GRADUATION DAY!! At Northrup Auditorium, with family. Also, a quaint reception from the professors in our program.
May 15 -- Close at the bar.
May 19 -- Close at the bar.
May 21 -- Move Megan out of St. Olaf. And rediscover my biceps.
May 22 -- JOB OFFER from St. Paul....yessss! :) I'll be teaching 4th and 5th grade students reading/writing/math in the morning, and then taking them in to a general ed. classroom in the afternoon for science/social studies/etc. Close at the bar.
May 24 -- ACTUALLY get to hang out with my friends! BBQ and near deck fire at Mel and Bob's.
May 26 -- Movie with Sarah and Mel. Close at the bar.
May 28 -- First date with new boy. It goes well, but there are no fireworks. Enough said.

And now, here I am at the end of May, closing tonight, and working tomorrow and Saturday.... leading up to our ONE YEAR anniversary in this building and in this city. It's been a wild, successful, fun, challenging, heartbreaking, mess of a year. I can only hope that this next year is as memorable.

See you in June! :)
Life isn't about the breaths we take, it's about the moments that take our breath away. ~Heidi Wills